Ab0ut Us

Abodoo is the only free to access site for employers and smart workers.

Abodoo (Abode and Do) was created (like most well meaning ideas are) to solve a problem. How to fix the issues around sourcing great talent without being restricted by sq footage or commuting. Through smart working we believe that companies can grow and communities can thrive by allowing professionals the freedom to work and live where they choose. Technology now allows that choice and through Abodoo we aim to offer real life changing opportunities and true work life harmony.

Changing the world one job at a time

We believe that everybody has a right to work including those that may be limited by location or mobility. There is a huge resource of people out there who want to build careers without the restriction of the traditional office. By matching such a talent pool to the forward thinking companies of today we believe that greater working experiences can be achieved. We see it more like work life harmony than work life balance. With benefits to both the employer and the smart worker, a career can be progressive, enjoyable and limitless.

We are committed in other areas too…


We aim to help reduce emissions and pollution in the environment through less commuting. We aim to help lower the carbon footprint of companies with reduction in the need for office sqm energy sources.


We are working with governments and local enterprises to create opportunities in both urban and rural communities. We are closely aligned to help promote regions to International companies looking to establish their next HQ or office location.


We are affiliated with providers bringing high-speed connectivity to rural locations. We support the EU incentives to bring high speed broadband to all homes and businesses by 2020.


We are empowering communities to stay together by enabling professionals to work from home and coworking spaces. This in turn helps to stimulate local economy and has far reaching improvements for families and locally driven schemes. The next generation can only benefit and the diaspora can return home.


Public transportation and infrastructure can be affected by network strikes, maintenance, or adverse weather conditions delaying employee commutes. Smart Working protects companies from such outside interference. Smart working locations as part of a remote working strategy can eliminate traffic congestion and unnecessary commuting. Our smart working strategy guides are available to companies on request.

This is the Abodoo vision and with you we can make it happen.

Abodoo is much more than a job site.

We aim to support smart working businesses and professionals through forums, expert advice centres and a whole host of free to access training. Register, sign in and stay connected!